Monday, May 10, 2010

Autobiography Alphabet Examples!!!

Take a look at these examples for ideas of materials and formatting. Each of your pages should be unique! Be creative and have fun!!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010


This is one of Miss Natalie's favorite number puzzles. Bring in a print off of your completed puzzle for extra credit points in Math!!!

Listening Activity

Using your worksheet listen to the messages to fill in the blanks. The messages are in a variety of accents so you may need to listen to them again if you have trouble understanding them. This activity is worth 5 extra credit points in Reading!!!

Pronoun Practice

Hunt for treasure in this pronoun challenge! Print off your score for extra credit points in Grammar!

Surface Area

Test your knowledge of polyhedra, edges, vertices, and faces here!

Visit this site to practice Surface Area of Prisms.

Click on Compute to play.
Click on width, height, and depth to change the view.
Remember to print your score for extra credit!!!!